Hello and welcome to Our Place In The Pattern, an entirely different type of genealogy and biography website from all the rest.
At present there is an absurd and misguided notion that the history of one’s family, ancestors, relatives, and other persons of interest belongs to large corporations that own multiple websites and charge people a monthly subscription fee to set up accounts to be able to view the information and then when people do long hours of unpaid volunteer work and submit genealogical information, including uploading records and photographs to the websites, it all becomes the property for profit in perpetuity for those large corporations. Even worse, when you create a page for one of your family members, relatives, ancestors, or someone else, on most corporate-owned genealogy websites, another member, perhaps unknown to you, can simply tell the website employees that they want to take the page, and the transfer is made without your knowledge or consent, with all of your work, including the hours of research and uploading of documents and photographs, being literally stolen from you. Is this a scheme for cheating people out of an important part of themselves? It sure seems like it. We believe that no human being or corporate entity is entitled to ownership of any person’s history or of any person. We urge everyone to reclaim themselves and their history, and that of their families, ancestors, relatives, and others. You can do this by beginning to gather information, records, photographs, and even personal possessions left to you. Assemble it into individual biographies, and store copies safely in multiple locations. Next, for about the same amount of effort and about the same cost as you would pay for an account on one of the corporate-owned genealogy websites, you can create your own website and place all of your information on it, giving yourself full control of your information and the benefit of the long hours of hard work you put into gathering it. You can do this starting out alone in your work, and once you have it on your website, other people can view it, and make suggestions and comments based on additional information they may have, so that it becomes a collaborative effort, but with you making all of the decisions and still having full control. You can share what you know with the people in your life, and carry out a plan for ensuring the family history is passed down to the coming generations. Do this for everyone who matters to you - and by and by, you may find that everyone matters. We will give hints for how you can do all of this and more in time to come. Here we will build our own history, attempting to trace our family from its present place in America to ancestral places in the islands off the coast of present-day Europe and in the European mainland. However, we want to help you build your own family history as well, and what we do can serve as a model on which you can build your own family history. We use basic templates we created as simple text documents, starting with a Phase 1 Genealogical Biography template for an individual ancestor in which brackets are filled in with names, dates, and places, and next moving the information to the Phase 2 Geneological Biography template which tells the life story of each individual in a more interesting way. Please visit again as we build the site over the coming months and years. Ever Best Regards, Website Administrator www.OurPlaceInThePattern.com