Much of the genealogy information people have available to them when they try to begin learning about their individual family members, relatives, ancestors, and other persons of interest may consist mostly of old photographs and official records such as those of the census, as well as birth certificates, baptism records, military records, marriage records, pension records, and death certificates. These records are fine as a starting point; however, taking the additional step of assembling the information into a life story, or biography, will provide a much better understanding of the individual.
Please note that the following templates are very basic and might be described as crude. Our goal here is to give persons who are starting their work a simple means of assembling genealogy and biography information, which they can complete and then change to suit their purposes. Copy the text of the templates into a document on your computer. You can do this by first opening a new document, creating a name for it, and saving it. Next, place your cursor over the text on Our Place In The Pattern, hold down the left button, and move the computer mouse over the text from beginning to end. Release the button, and then with the cursor over the blue-highlighted text, hold down the right button on the mouse, and then move the cursor over the word 'Copy' and click on it. Go to the file you created on your computer, place the cursor over the empty document, and click on the word 'Paste'; alternatively, click on the clipboard icon, or small picture of a clipboard, usually shown in the upper left-hand corner of computer screens. Fill in as much information in the brackets, or [ ], as possible, and then delete any brackets where information is not available or known, to create a beginning outline. We welcome suggestions for improving the templates shown. Please leave suggestions by clicking or tapping on 'Comments' just below.
[Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region].
_______________________________________________________________________ Childhood: Parents [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])]’s record of birth [insert name of type of record such as birth certificate or register of births] (image). [Insert first given name of subject]’s father [insert full name of subject’s father] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert first given name of subject]’s mother [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of subject’s father] was [insert number] years of age and [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children (listed in birth order) as follows. _______________________________________________________________________ Childhood: Siblings (The following redundant information may be helpful in searches for missing details by providing continuity of the chronological order of events, analysis of which may yield possible ranges of birth dates and possible locations of births and other missing details for the brothers and sisters of the subject of this biography or for the subject of this biography; after filling in brackets, move this section to its place in chronological order in the siblings section.) [Insert full name of subject’s father]’s and [insert full name of subject’s mother]’s [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] son daughter (and the subject of this biography) [insert the first paragraph of this biography]. His wife Her husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] was [insert number] years of age and [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert full name of subject’s father] and his wife [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s son daughter (and [insert first given name of subject]’s brother sister) [insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. His wife Her husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age and [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. _______________________________________________________________________ Childhood: Step-Father or Step-Mother [Step-Father; delete this section if not needed] [Insert first given name of subject]’s step-father [insert full name of subject’s father] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Step-Mother; delete this section if not needed] [Insert first given name of subject]’s step-mother [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of subject’s father] was [insert number] years of age and [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children (listed in birth order) as follows. _______________________________________________________________________ Childhood: Half-Siblings and / or Step-Siblings [A step-sibling is a child of a stepfather or stepmother with another person who is not a biological, or related by birth, parent; step-siblings have no parents in common, while half-siblings have one parent in common.] For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert full name of subject’s father] and his wife [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s son daughter (and [insert first given name of subject]’s brother sister) [insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. His wife Her husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age and [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. _______________________________________________________________________ [Insert first given name of subject]’s physical description was as follows [insert description]. Hair color: Eye color: Height: Build/body type: Personality and disposition: Other characteristics: [Insert first given name of subject]’s other associations and relationships were as follows. [List and describe adopted or foster siblings, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, non-family members of household, pets, neighbors, classmates, co-workers, business partners, friends, and other people.] [Insert first given name of subject]’s father [insert full name of subject’s father]’s occupation was as a [insert name of occupation such as a farmer or other]. [Insert first given name of subject]’s mother [insert full name of subject’s mother] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s occupation was as a [insert name of occupation such as a homemaker or other]. Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject]’s education and schools attended was as follows. [Insert description]. Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: Mary was a member of the [insert name] denomination of the [insert name] religion and attended services at the [insert name] church in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. _______________________________________________________________________ Adulthood Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] served in the [insert branch of service] during [insert name of conflict and/or time period] and his her rank, duties, awards, and accomplishments were as follows. [Insert description]. (For women ancestors and relatives: Although women being in the military has been thought of as uncommon throughout much of history, women have served and in some instances engaged in direct military conflict though less frequently than men, with women more often tending to the home and family or serving in military support roles such as being nurses and staff of hospitals, as civilian workers performing clerical duties in rear detachments, or laboring in the manufacturing of war materials.) [Insert first given name of subject]’s occupation was as a [insert name of occupation, such as a homemaker or farmer or other]. Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] was a member of the [insert name] denomination of the [insert name] religion and attended services at the [insert name] church in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. _______________________________________________________________________ Adulthood: Marriage [Insert image of marriage license or record] [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])]’s and [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s marriage [insert record or license] (image). [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when he she married his wife her husband [insert number] years of age [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] who was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children (listed in birth order) as follows. [Insert first given name of subject]’s wife husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s occupation was as a [insert name of occupation, such as homemaker or farmer or other]. [Insert first given name of subject] was about [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] in about 1946 and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when his her marriage of [] years to his her [] years of age wife husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] ended due to divorce death other cause. At a time after the divorce death other cause, [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] would marry again, to [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] who was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. _______________________________________________________________________ Adulthood: Children For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] and his wife her husband [insert full name of subject’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s son daughter [insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s wife husband [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age and his wife her husband [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. _______________________________________________________________________ Adulthood: Second marriage [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when he she married his wife her husband [insert number] years of age [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] who was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children (listed in birth order) as follows. _______________________________________________________________________ Adulthood: Children of second marriage For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] and his wife her husband [insert full name of subject’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s son daughter [insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]’s wife husband [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was born on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] and passed on at [] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. [Insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age and his wife her husband [insert full name of son or daughter’s spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] was [insert number] years of age when the couple married on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. Together the couple had [insert number] children. _______________________________________________________________________ Passing On [Insert first given name of subject]’s last known place of residence while still living was [insert numbers] [insert name of street], [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]; postal ZIP code [insert numbers]. [Insert image of Register of Deaths] [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] in the Register of Deaths (image). [Insert image of certificate of death] [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])]’s Certificate of Death (image). [Insert first given name of subject]’s cause of death was [insert cause]. [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number of years, number of months, and number of days] of age at [insert time of day] on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when he she passed on. He She lived [insert number] days or The number of days in his her life has not yet been calculated due to as of yet unreconciled discrepancies in various records of his her birth date and/or death date or due to as yet no known records of his her birth date and/or death date or a range of possible number of days in his her life is between [insert number] and [insert number]. [Insert first given name of subject]’s obituary if one exists appeared on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] in [insert name of media] [insert type of media, such as newspaper, book, or website] as follows. [Insert photograph of gravesite marker] [Insert photograph of cemetery as seen from the nearest access road or access or vantage point] [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] [if applicable insert and his wife her husband [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] rests in the [insert name] Cemetery, [insert physical address or map coordinates], [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]; postal ZIP code [insert numbers]; telephone number [insert number] or a location that is not yet known or was cremated with the ashes in a location that is not yet known or was lost at sea with coordinates not yet known or went missing in a military action. A picture of the gravesite marker is not yet available/The gravesite marker is [insert description of gravesite marker and any symbols or artwork] and reads as follows: [insert words and numbers]. _______________________________________________________________________ Name Origin and Meaning First given name (first name): Middle given name (middle name or middle names): Surname (last name or family name): Married surname (last name or family name acquired through marriage if applicable): Later names and other names used (nicknames, pseudonyms, titles, ranks, positions): _______________________________________________________________________ Sources Cited Names and dates and locations notes: Birth certificate/record: If one exists it is yet to be found. [Insert name of type of record such as birth certificate or register of births] Source: [insert source]. Source accessed: [insert date source was accessed or found]. Birth announcement: If one exists it is yet to be found. Baptismal certificate/record: If one exists it is yet to be found. Social Security Number [insert number], applied for in [insert name of state of province or territory] as shown in [insert name of record or notes] or subject is not known to have been assigned a Social Security Number as shown on his her certificate of death or in other documents or records or notes or as he she passed on before numbers were first issued in November 1936. Military records: [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] is not known to have served in the United States Armed Forces or other military organizations as no documents or other evidence has been found to support military service or as shown in his her certificate of death or other document or record served as recorded in his her DD214 or other document or record. Marriage license/record: If one exists it is yet to be found. Wedding ceremony officiated by [if applicable [insert name of person who officiated the wedding, such as religious leader or clerk]. Wedding announcement: If one exists it is yet to be found. United States Census Bureau records for [insert year(s)]: Family Bible: Obituary: If one exists it is yet to be found. [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] in the Register of Deaths: If one exists it is yet to be found. Certificate of Death/record: If one exists it is yet to be found. Online memorial page on the Find A Grave Website: [Insert web address] Memorial Number [insert numbers]. Memorial page originally created by contributor [insert name] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] [insert numbers], whose email address is [insert email address]. Memorial page maintained by contributor [insert name] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] [insert numbers], whose email address is [insert email address]. Record added [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year]. Memorial page sponsored by contributor [insert name] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] [insert numbers], whose email address is [insert email address]. Record other references and sources when found. _______________________________________________________________________ Research Notes and Queries Are you a descendant or relative of, or other person who knows about, [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])], and can you add details or make corrections to his her biography? [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] is related to me how? Origin of given name or names/forename or forenames/first or first name and middle name? Origin of surname/last name? [If applicable] Origin of maiden name? [Insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] had a nickname derived from actual name or for other reasons with explanation as follows? (Note: Some nicknames can be uncomplimentary, and the purpose of this information is not to continue the objectionable practice, but only to provide information that could help in searches for information on the subject of this biography. When and where and during what circumstances did [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] meet his her spouse? What is known about the times and places in which [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] lived? _______________________________________________________________________ History and Updates Biography started on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year]. Biography changed on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] with addition of the following provided by [insert name]: . _______________________________________________________________________ Greetings! I am [insert your full name] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert your maiden name])], a descendant or relative of [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])], and I am working to compile his her biography using information available on the internet and assistance from relatives and other persons. The biography is far from complete and may contain inaccuracies. Further details and corrections are welcome. If you know anything about [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])], his her ancestors, descendants, relatives, or other persons associated with him her, you can reach me at email address [insert email address] . I am always interested in learning more, and I am willing to share what I know as well. May your days be many and may you succeed in life beyond your greatest expectations! _______________________________________________________________________ End of Biography _______________________________________________________________________ Supplemental biographical information follows. Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable. For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert first given name of subject] was about [insert number] years of age and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] at the time of the [insert year] United States Census. Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: Great Depression Era [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on Wednesday 4 September 1929 when the Great Depression Era started in the United States of America and eventually spread worldwide. On Friday 29 October 1929, the Stock Market crashed, and by 1933, the national rate of unemployment increased to 25 percent, with over 30 million Americans having no jobs in a nation of just 125 million people. 2 million Americans became homeless, and these people had scarcely any means at all for obtaining basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. Shanty towns and bread lines sprang up all around the country. People stood on street corners selling apples and pencils and newspapers for a few pennies in a desperate attempt to support themselves. It was not until Sunday 7 December 1941, when the Japanese attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii and the United States entered World War 2, that real economic recovery from the Great Depression began, as employment in the military and in manufacturing increased to meet wartime demands. _______________________________________________________________________ For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: captions template for images and photographs; delete if inapplicable: [insert full name of subject] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name of subject])] (Photograph taken on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] or Image made on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year]) (Photograph taken in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] or Image made in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]) (Image made by [insert name of person] or Photograph taken by [insert name of person]) (Photograph provided by [insert name of person]) _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when his wife [insert name] she gave birth to their his her and her husband [insert full name of husband]’s son daughter [insert full name of child]. _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when his her [insert number] years of age son daughter [insert full name of son or daughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] married [insert number] years of age [insert full name of spouse]. _______________________________________________________________________ For possible multiple uses - copy but do not delete: [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when his her [insert number] years of age grandfather grandmother father mother husband wife divorced husband divorced wife brother sister son daughter [insert full name of person] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] passed on from [insert cause] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region]. _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when he she became a grandfather grandmother with the birth of his her grandson granddaughter [insert full name of grandson or granddaughter] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])]. _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: Additional information if this is a biography of a living person - Contact Information Email address: Cell phone: Home phone: Work phone: Mailing address: Website: _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] [insert year] and in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] when his her marriage of [insert number] years to his her [insert number] years of age husband wife [insert full name of spouse] [if applicable insert (maiden name [insert maiden name])] ended due to his her passing on from [insert cause] in [insert name of city or town or village], [insert name] Township, [insert name] County, [insert name of state or province or territory], [insert United States of America or name of other country or region] or divorce abandonment disappearance. _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: Formation of Noble County, Ohio [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on Tuesday 11 March 1851 when the area of Guernsey County, Ohio he she resided in became a part of Noble County, Ohio. _______________________________________________________________________ Use if applicable, delete if inapplicable: Homestead Act of 1862 [Insert first given name of subject] was [insert number] years of age on [insert day of week] [insert day of month] [insert month of year] 1863 when the covered wagon migration from Ohio to Iowa and Kansas or other points west took place. He She is not known to have participated in the migration. _______________________________________________________________________ Source: Date accessed: _______________________________________________________________________ Source: Date accessed: _______________________________________________________________________ 1 - Genealogical Biography - Phase 1 - Template Version 2022.11.24 _______________________________________________________________________ The Phase 2 - Individual Biography Template will be published here at a future date.